Room 208

Quote database


Rated 52 by 11 users
<Alkthash> Rig is not just a mere gimp.
<Alkthash> Rig is a super high school level gimp.


Rated 51 by 4 users
<Iverum> Fake difficulty and sodomy!
<Iverum> The best game ever.
<GoggleFox> It's less so when you get deep enough.
<Iverum> Sounds like a gay bar.


Rated 51 by 4 users
<JackMackerel> The "Roran is a psychopath for being a warrior" kinda bugs me, though. No shit he's prideful over his kills, he's a warrior.
<Barcode[guiltycrown]> yes but *discussion on morality of soldiers*
<Iverum> *discussion of MGS*
<Barcode[guiltycrown]> *inevitable linking of steel battalion mechs*
<Iverum> *argument about the frailty of VTs*
<Barcode[guiltycrown]> *concession, discussion on realism of mechs*
<Iverum> *derailment into the role of tanks on a modern battlefield*
<Barcode[guiltycrown]> *some notes, then lack of response* :P


Rated 51 by 4 users
*** Nitya entered the room
<Iverum> As I was saying, Solstace becomes jealous of Jackerel's open 'affection' for Nitya and opens his heart (among other things) to Nitya in response.
<Iverum> Shit.
<Iverum> He's back.
<Nitya> okay nevermind
*** Nitya left the room


Rated 51 by 4 users
<Ambiguity> Is this glaring penis related or Canada related? These choices are mutually exclusive.


Rated 51 by 4 users
<Iverum> Bluh, I have a calcium deficiency.
<Barcode> drink more milk then
<divert_time> or kill Barcode and eat his bones
<Barcode> i'll have you know that I have all sorts of methods of neutralizing calcium-deficient threats
<AliceTensei> Kill Barcode and eat his bones mixed with milk. Made from bones.
<KanyarMaryam> .decide read more about meditation | sew | write gay porn
<feepbot> KanyarMaryam: write gay porn
<Nitya> eat gay porn made from barcode's bones.
<divert_time> write gay porn involving Barcode's bones
<KanyarMaryam> So I'm going to write the porn on his bones...?
<KanyarMaryam> And it will involve them?


Rated 51 by 4 users
<Nitya> Rig: you should tell me my ideas suck.
<Rig> Some of your ideas are of questionable fellate status.


Rated 51 by 4 users
<Nitya> seriously, is 60s-level typechecking a cool feature now? uuuugh
<Rig> I don't know if any language feature can be considered "cool"


Rated 49 by 7 users
<Saturn> You don't "see" Touhou
<Saturn> You...
<Saturn> uh
<ivoryRum> Fap to it.
<Saturn> Yeah


Rated 47 by 12 users
<Lin_Chong> What is best in life?
<Rig> Fat blunts.