Room 208

Quote database


Rated 70 by 9 users
<Nitya> some dude in his garage in minnesota writing a book on how to arm your car with lasers
<Barcode> fast and the furious, but insteadof street racing they'r trying to burn holes through each other's cars
<RocketDude> [Rap music playing, lasers intensify]


Rated 70 by 9 users
<Charlatan> See, where I get mad is when mods require other mods to play.
<Charlatan> Like mod X requiring Skyrim Script Extender.
<Charlatan> MY DICK.
<JBridge> I think that requires SKSE, too.
<Barcode[out]> Expand dong
<Charlatan> Expand dovaahkin
<Barcode[out]> Fus roh dong
<Charlatan> "Unrelenting force"


Rated 68 by 8 users
<BARCWD> I think it's saying something when I'm going to lighten up after having seen THREE MINUTES OF EVANGELION by watching a moody war drama.


Rated 68 by 8 users
<AliceTensei> Oddly, this torrent also has the OSTs.
<Barcode> Orbital Shock Troopers.
<AliceTensei> Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaka.
<AliceTensei> ...Actually, Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakode.
<Barcode> That just sounds like your british accent shining through!
<RocketDude> Or some drawn-out Boston pronunciation
<RocketDude> Pahk the Bahkode at Hahvahd Yahd


Rated 68 by 8 users
<Barcode[out]> Fiora: you should try red alert.~
<Nitya> Hey, that's a real tilde, not "tilde", or "tee eye ell dee ee" or "tee ee ee ee aye ee ee ell ell dee ee ee ee ee" or something.
<Barcode[out]> Yes, but I included punctuation before the tilde, disrupting its power.


Rated 68 by 8 users
<BarcoProxy> it hurts me to say this but it might be possible that after this is done I will have to say of evangelion "at least it wasn't ergo proxy"
<Nitya> you have the weirdest standards.
<BarcoProxy> my standards are "looks cool and makes sense" but nothing fits both of them!
* BarcoProxy buries his head in his hands.
* Nitya pats BarcoProxy on the shoulder before starting to speak an old french poem about sex in backwards hebrew
* BarcoProxy screams.


Rated 68 by 8 users
<Puffin> I thought Dr. Who was supposed to be a whimsical show for small children
<taelor> isn't there a spin off with tons of sex and violence.
<Rig> Yeah
<Rig> Torchwood.
<Myrmidon> Well DW is supposed to be more of a family show
<Barcode> iirc doctor who still features shit like demons that snap people's necks when they're not looking and stuff, so like. not toddlers
<Nitya> don't you remember that carmen sandiego episode where she steals American credibility in 'nam


Rated 68 by 8 users
<IllFlower> "brain.visual_memory.as_image_buffer(format: 'png')"
<IllFlower> I don't know why my brain's interface is in Ruby.
<Barcodrawing> because then you can say you've gone off the rails.


Rated 68 by 8 users
<Barcode> i told you about the guy who painted a zizek portrait at some art thing i went to, right?
* Nitya imagines Call of Cthulhu, but with the poets and sculptors arting zizek instead of cthulhu
<Barcode> i had to walk down an alley, i was increasingly nervous about the people around me
<Nitya> The alleyway had an oppressive quality Barcode could not stop to define. Not just the walls, but the masses of people around him seemed to press in. From the ghetto, they were, [about a paragraph of racism] until he came to rest at the stand. There, only there, did he look up, only to see the Slovenian


Rated 68 by 8 users
<Fiora> maybe it'll be ogre when they don't feel like making asses of themselves anymore?
<Fiora> </stretched pun>
<SpruceZeus> ...wait, when did Shrek become a series of horror films
<SpruceZeus> ^^ahahaha
<SpruceZeus> thats awfully catty of you, Fiora 
<SpruceZeus> ...but i think i'm just dragon this out, now
<SpruceZeus> ...yeah, i think a fourth shrek movie is definitely ogredoing it
<SpruceZeus> i mean, they're practically swamping us in these
<Barcode> </stretched pun> --> looks at "asses"
<SpruceZeus> X____X