Room 208

Quote database


Rated 61 by 6 users
<Nitya> 2016 is going to be the International Year of Pulses what does that even mean i love it
<Fiora> beep
<Fiora> beep
<Fiora> beep
<Fiora> beep
<Fiora> ?
<Rig> Darling, 2016 can be the year you make my pulse race.
<Rig> Or beans.
<Rig> It could be beans.


Rated 60 by 14 users
<Rotty> ... Aon, why are you furry?
<HappyFurryTeenager> RP
<HappyFurryTeenager> That will soon be ending...
<Rotty> Ah, so it's not "Stopped shaving my legs."


Rated 56 by 9 users
<Barcode> Surely SOME part of a Muslim's direction vector is towards Mecca!
<Jack> Little do they realize that prayers actually are affected by gravity
<Jack> Christians have it harder, their prayers have to make escape velocity.


Rated 57 by 5 users
<Yubiseiharukana> miijhal is too busy playing... what was it... it involved vaginas
<Yubiseiharukana> Gundam. Right.


Rated 57 by 5 users
* Charlatan makes Madoka AMV set to NIN songs
<Charlatan> "Starfuckers, Inc" goes with everything.
<Jimbobbowilly> I wanna fuck you like an anime


Rated 57 by 5 users
<Noimporta> Oh, come on, these guys spend all their time RPing, how the hell am I supposed to find a few specific posts 
<IllFlower> They think you're a sentient outgrowth of the forum software? 
<Noimporta> Well, that seems to be my function now 
<Noimporta> So I guess that makes us related


Rated 69 by 14 users
<blamspam> Yeah, I actually wanted to have a look at the anime section in the CD store, but there was a creepy guy with some sort of ecchi Kawaii girl game in his hand there.
<atomsk> There always is.
<atomsk> It's like a rule.
<Tzetzuooooo> Don't worry, your existence should repel him
<blamspam> :(
<Tzetzuooooo> if not your existence, your taser
<atomsk> You're too old for him anyway.


Rated 51 by 4 users
<Nitya> "Also on a happy note my mental breakdown hasn't stopped me from going to ecuador completely" why do I look at facebook, it's just a reminder of how little I know about people
<Barcode> People is a subject that necessitates studying to understand. are? how the fuckd o you structure this sentence
<Barcode> my first guess was are
<Barcode> sounds better with are but \_o_/


Rated 44 by 6 users
<jseblan> I am of the opinion that me <> me
<jseblan> WAIT
<Charlatan|Prodigy> WAR
<Charlatan|Prodigy> HUH
<Charlatan|Prodigy> WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR
<jseblan> if(jseblan != jseblan) {cout << "WHO THE F*** AM I";}


Rated 60 by 10 users
<JBridge> Testing video games is a lot like doing porn.
<JBridge> Both jobs take something you'd normally enjoy doing, but you have to do it how and when your bosses want.
<JBridge> And you have to do it all the time, which is probably the biggest reason why both jobs are shit.
<zeroplusalpha> Testing video games is worse because the build isn't even complete yet, most of the time.