Room 208

Quote database


Rated 76 by 12 users
<RocketDude> Cooking isn't about why, it's about why not


Rated 70 by 9 users
<saladofstones> last time I QDB'd something I broke it
<saladofstones> and I don't think the all-mighty Illflower will stand for it again
<RocketDude> Just try it again.
<RocketDude> I'd do it, but lazy
<saladofstones> if I break everything I blame barcode
<Nitya> And barcode can blame Jackerel, thus completing the cycle.
<saladofstones> and then jackerel can get banned for our sins
<RocketDude> But who will Jackerel blame?
<Nitya> It doesn't matter because we'll kickban him because he's obviously lying and it was his fault.
<Barcode> forgive us, Vater, for we do not know what we do.


Rated 65 by 12 users
<Kashchei> question: cute, sexy, or beautiful, and why?
<Solstace> Cute.  I find beautiful people to be like works of art, and who the fuck would bone a nice painting.  And I don't trust sexy people, too many personal experiences.
<Nitya> ...
<Nitya> Wtf
<JackMackerel> @Solstace - I want to bone a painting. :<
<Kashchei> i'd bone a nice painting...


Rated 74 by 11 users
<Rig> I'm like stairs because it's a lot of work to get me up, but going down can be lots of fun.


Rated 57 by 5 users
<TibetanFox> And I'm like "Bitch you said we were just friends and I have a hot, nerdy biracial lesbian with an English accent hitting on me, WHAT DID YOU THINK WOULD HAPPEN?"
<TibetanFox> Goddamn blue alien loli Tsunderes.
<HisMastersVoice> love sure is complex


Rated 43 by 11 users
<gloomyApoplectic> NOOOOO
<gloomyApoplectic> MY LIFE IS INCOMPLETE


Rated 65 by 7 users
<BGTB2005> So I'm watching a show that Subaru and Gainax were involved with
<RocketDude> Subaru?
<Barcode> Subaru the car company?
<BGTB2005> Yes
<Nitya> top gear, eva edition
<Barcode> "Subaru runs into Aoi at a bus shelter, where they make up with each other. " uh oh
<Nitya> I'm so sorry for hurting you, Aoi-chan. Can I make it up to you with the SUBARU ULTIMATE CAR CHAMPIONSHIP CONTEST 2011??


Rated 57 by 5 users
<LORd> a steel horse the size of an oil rig that ejaculates missiles, or perhaps this metaphor got out of hand.


Rated 61 by 6 users
<Barcode> black junk shooter
<Charlatan> SHOT IN THE JUNK
<SpruceZeus> c/` and you're to blame c/`


Rated 80 by 15 users
<Zudak> because i'd rather talk about boners than politics or dumb people on the internet