Room 208

Quote database


Rated 38 by 5 users
<Nitya> FutaServ shouts: "LOOK, IS THAT A DEMONIC DUCK OF SOME SORT?" *runs off without giving out any futa* You have a total  of 263 futas. <-- this is what I was referring to btw
<ponicalica> >FutaServ
<Barchomework> that is screwrd.
<ponicalica> fucking rizon
<Barchomework> look, I can't even type anymore
<Barchomework> I type worse*?
<Nitya> screwed + scary?
<Barchomework> all of my es have bn scard away.
<Barchomework> most of thm, anyway
<Solstace> Rizon is a scary place.
<Nitya> I'm only there for the drugs I mean anime.
<Barchomework> soon you'll be bragging to us about how you manage to fit all of those futas into a briefcase


Rated 38 by 5 users
<Solstace> .decide pokemon | Skyrim
<jseblan> Solstace: if only we could mix both
<Solstace> Alduin and Charizard held each other in a lover's embrace.....
<jseblan> :|
<Solstace> "Shout for me," Charizard said.
<SpruceZeus|Terraria> It was super effective


Rated 36 by 7 users
<Soraya> Goliath Tarantula:  1 foot across, 1 inch long fangs.
<Soraya> ...
<Nitya> See, I just get a few thousands of those, and found my own country in, I dunno, the Balkans.
<Soraya> And then they eventually hive mind, and overthrow you, using your carcass to lay their eggs.
<Nitya> Practically noone will miss a few spider-infested mountains anyway, I betcha.
<Nitya> Hey, I'm not one to stand in the way of progress.


Rated 34 by 2 users
<Solstace> We've been through this, I thought. Lou is sane in his own bizarre and twisted way. I'm a future serial killer :P


Rated 31 by 10 users
*** Zizoz joined #yackfest
+++ Omnipresence has given voice to Zizoz
* feepbot welcomes Zizoz (1 / 1): <Jack> You're getting good at that crashing thing, Zizoz.
<Zizoz> Why does Safari keep quitting on me? :(
<Solstea> Feepbot answered your question already.


Rated 28 by 11 users
<Solstace> But I'm waiting to do that until I have the body at a satisfactory point.


Rated 23 by 5 users
01:13:42 <Solstace> Oh, god, I'm getting sucked into the world of Penguindrum analysis.
01:13:44 <Solstace> >.>
01:14:14 <Spacethash> It could be worse Solstace.
01:14:20 <JBridge> Yeah.
01:14:20 <Solstace> You're right.
01:14:25 <Solstace> It could be Evangelion analysis.
01:14:25 <JBridge> You could be analyzing Eva.


Rated 21 by 11 users
<Corvidium> Hi Solstace
*** Xeniera has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<JBridge> Bye, Solstace?


Rated 21 by 1 user
<Xeniera> but no, like, since moving here my metamorphosis into a reptile has completed
* Xeniera is a reptile cat


Rated 15 by 11 users
<JackMackerel> @Solstace - Uh, I dunno your facebook.
<JackMackerel> ;_;
<Solstace> JackMackerel: Let's keep it that way >.>