Room 208

Quote database


Rated 65 by 7 users
<Barcode> Finally! Success in video games, once more!
<Nitya> How many points?
<Barcode> On the contrary, my team and I bested another team in the ring of honour.
<RocketDude> But what did you do with the fight money?
<AliceTensei> Cocaine and prostitutes, clearly.
<Barcode> the stereotypical answer owuld have been: battlemechs
<jseblan> Cocaine and mechs with boobs and STDs, then
<RocketDude> At least he didn't buy two of every animal on earth.
<AliceTensei> That is a horrifying mental image.
<RocketDude> Or two of every boat on earth
<AliceTensei> Two of every mech.
<RocketDude> And then he herded them onto a dropship, and then he beat the crap out of every single one
<AliceTensei> With a feather duster?
<RocketDude> ...Ten pints of Stella and a dollop of chlamydia.
<AliceTensei> Anyone who drinks Stella should be shot on sight. With an anti-tank rifle.
<jseblan> we managed to mix together in one conversation Battletech, Team Fortress 2, alcohol, STDs, prostitution and drugs. I am crying right now.


Rated 38 by 5 users
<Solstace> .decide pokemon | Skyrim
<jseblan> Solstace: if only we could mix both
<Solstace> Alduin and Charizard held each other in a lover's embrace.....
<jseblan> :|
<Solstace> "Shout for me," Charizard said.
<SpruceZeus|Terraria> It was super effective


Rated 9 by 24 users