Room 208

Quote database


Rated 42 by 28 users
<saladofstones> I AM
<saladofstones> ALMOST
<saladofstones> DONE
<saladofstones> RIPPING
<saladofstones> THIS TORRENT
<saladofstones> AND UPLOADING IT
<Nitya> calm down
<RocketDude> ...Okay
<BGTB2005> have fun with that


Rated 40 by 10 users
<RocketDude> What sort of air freshener smells like fresh rubber?
<JackMackerel> Bad ones.
<zeroplusalpha> Eau De Torture Garden
<Barcleaning[prototypetest]> fabreeze air-stenchener


Rated 38 by 5 users
<Barcodrawing[Kitting]> oh wonderful, I knocked the ethernet cable loose again
<Barcodrawing[Kitting]> this cable is awful.
<RocketDude> Dang
<RocketDude> Wait, how are you still talking to us
<Barcodrawing[Kitting]> RocketDude: computers akimbo
<RocketDude> Okay, I'm laughing at the image of a Neo clone spinning computer towers on his fingers
<Barcodrawing[Kitting]> click *spinGRINGRINDGRINDINGNOISE* both towers now have broken hard drives


Rated 38 by 5 users
<AliceTensei  "If your son is using Quake, you should make hime understand" Hime?
[seconds later]
<RocketDude> Also, obviously, you have to find an anime character and make them understand that your son is "using Quake"
<AliceTensei> Hmm. Does the emperor of Japan have a daughter?
<AliceTensei> Ah. Yes he does.
<AliceTensei> So clearly, we need to find his daughter, and inform her about Quake.


Rated 38 by 5 users
<jseblan> wait, Champions Online uses procedural generation?
<Nitya> tons of stuff does
<Nitya> it's the new sexy
<jseblan> kind of old for a new sexy
<Nitya> everything new and sexy in computer science is actually like forty years old.
<RocketDude> So, is the actually new stuff even sexier, or is it like wine where the sexiness increases with age and why am I putting so much thought into this


Rated 34 by 2 users
<JuanCarlos> things people need to stop saying: Nope.avi
<JuanCarlos> inb4 nope.avi
<RocketDude> Heck no.png


Rated 34 by 2 users
<Barcode> I was gonna settle down for the night, but I can mayyyybe fit in a single game if you're quick in wrnagling others.
<RocketDude> if you're quick in wrnagling others. < Jeep Wrnagler
<Barcode> if you're quick in jeeping others*
<RocketDude> Jeepers!


Rated 30 by 4 users
*** TheBarcO is now known as MajorDanDatsun
<RocketDude> MajorNissan?
*** Iverum is now known as MissFairladyZ
<MissFairladyZ> [in a southern drawl] Oh, Major Datsun.


Rated 24 by 10 users
<GravelordNito> I had a dream that I was a child abused pedophiliac owl with electric powers last night
<GravelordNito> No idea what that says abou the
<RocketDude> That you're a pedophilic sith master?