<Rashi> All I know about sex is from Japanese pornography and zoology texts, which is probably a perfect storm of Bad Things To Know.
<Rashi> All I know about sex is from Japanese pornography and zoology texts, which is probably a perfect storm of Bad Things To Know.
<Tibetanfox> Like the main thing that causes different eras is everyone changing their mind about the Emperor. <Tibetanfox> If EMPEROR.BOOLEAN = TRUE THEN "FUCK THE EMPEROR!" <Tibetanfox> if EMPEROR.BOOLEAN = FALSE THEN "WE NEED TO RESTOR THE EMPEROR!" <Tibetanfox> That's Japan's history in two lines of code.
<IronyAdams> This channel <IronyAdams> It's turning me into a Japanese housewife <Noimporta> Resist it, Irony, FIGHT THE SOY SWEETS WITH GENDER EQUALITY!
<Solstace> Tibetanfox: Seriously? Who makes a 3 inch dildo? It just doesn't make sense! <Tibetanfox> Solstace: It's Japan. Start 'em young. <Solstace> .... <Solstace> That's terrible. <Tibetanfox> And almost certain to end up on the quotes database.
<AliceTensei "If your son is using Quake, you should make hime understand" Hime? [seconds later] <RocketDude> Also, obviously, you have to find an anime character and make them understand that your son is "using Quake" <AliceTensei> Hmm. Does the emperor of Japan have a daughter? <AliceTensei> Ah. Yes he does. <AliceTensei> So clearly, we need to find his daughter, and inform her about Quake.
<Rustedsoda> just because in Japan you can find images of little boys being fondled on a regular basis, does not mean it is legal to do that in Japan.