Room 208

Quote database


Rated 61 by 6 users
<Wallabu> @topic Girls free feel to answer I would like your personal intake
<Barcode> intake --> lmao
<jseblan> Barcode wants Wallabu's intake
<Barcode> see now you've gone and spawned an @ship


Rated 60 by 14 users
<ponicalica> I'm an expert at Charlatan's pants


Rated 60 by 10 users
<IllFlower> "ivoryRum caressed $varia's soft face, the array blushing as he did so. 'Be gentle,' she said. 'This is my first time having something unshifted into me...'"


Rated 53 by 8 users
<Solstace> I just let imagination fill in the blanks.
<Solstace> ...
<Rika> That's probably for the best, because reality will probably disappoint you somehow
<Solstace> Yeah.
<Solstace> That's part of why I don't poke and pry too much.
<Rika> ...wait, this conversation is beginning to have sexual overtones, isn't it?
<Solstace> Maybe.
<Solstace> I swear it isn't intentional.
* Rika puts on robe and wizard hat


Rated 51 by 4 users
<Nitya> Rig: you should tell me my ideas suck.
<Rig> Some of your ideas are of questionable fellate status.


Rated 49 by 7 users
<RocketDude> Meanwhile, I get fairly good speed, I run wireless, and my provider is Cox.
<Nova> I would demand to pay less just for the indignity of having to say "My ISP is Cox", RocketDude.
* Fiora Cox too
<Fiora> I haven't had any issues with Cox, really?
<Nova> hehehe


Rated 49 by 7 users
<CTrombley> I have a folder called "Dicks". It is full of pictures of private detectives.


Rated 44 by 6 users
<jseblan> AUGH
<jseblan> AWWW YESSS
<RocketDude> Enjoying yourself, jseblan?