<RocketDude> What sort of air freshener smells like fresh rubber? <JackMackerel> Bad ones. <zeroplusalpha> Eau De Torture Garden <Barcleaning[prototypetest]> fabreeze air-stenchener
<RocketDude> What sort of air freshener smells like fresh rubber? <JackMackerel> Bad ones. <zeroplusalpha> Eau De Torture Garden <Barcleaning[prototypetest]> fabreeze air-stenchener
<Barcodrawing> are they flammable? is there that much farts in a human body
<barcode> "please don’t be ashamed to like something, though! i get so many messages that are like “awe man im so embarrassed of liking hetalia/anime/ect.” it’s not your responsibility to babysit any less unsavory people in your fandom. be proud of your interests!! if you’re a good person that is all that matters. " but….camping as a moeification of a beach-head
<Nitya> FutaServ shouts: "LOOK, IS THAT A DEMONIC DUCK OF SOME SORT?" *runs off without giving out any futa* You have a total of 263 futas. <-- this is what I was referring to btw <ponicalica> >FutaServ <Barchomework> that is screwrd. <ponicalica> fucking rizon <Barchomework> look, I can't even type anymore <Barchomework> I type worse*? <Nitya> screwed + scary? <Barchomework> all of my es have bn scard away. <Barchomework> most of thm, anyway <Solstace> Rizon is a scary place. <Nitya> I'm only there for the drugs I mean anime. <Barchomework> soon you'll be bragging to us about how you manage to fit all of those futas into a briefcase
<Barcodrawing[Kitting]> oh wonderful, I knocked the ethernet cable loose again <Barcodrawing[Kitting]> this cable is awful. <RocketDude> Dang <RocketDude> Wait, how are you still talking to us <Barcodrawing[Kitting]> RocketDude: computers akimbo <RocketDude> Okay, I'm laughing at the image of a Neo clone spinning computer towers on his fingers <Barcodrawing[Kitting]> click *spinGRINGRINDGRINDINGNOISE* both towers now have broken hard drives
<Barcode> I will admit I don't know why I bothered pursuing this line of thought but I have no idea why you guys are pretending that you can't bring a knife anywhere near your body without spontaneously amputating all of your limbs.
<Barcode[WoT]> meowth can learn anything, including english
<Miijhal> But, just as a comparison, mountain dew is only about four times more acidic than vaginal fluid. <Miijhal> Obviously having sex makes your dick melt. <Barchores> I had no idea women were actually xenomorphs
<Barcode> cat. CZT <Barcode> CAT <Barcode> my face is not an appropriate lounging location
<Barcode> I was gonna settle down for the night, but I can mayyyybe fit in a single game if you're quick in wrnagling others. <RocketDude> if you're quick in wrnagling others. < Jeep Wrnagler <Barcode> if you're quick in jeeping others* <RocketDude> Jeepers!