Room 208

Quote database


Rated 53 by 8 users
<Barcode[WoT]> but what this amounts to is "my german tanks are coated in asbestos"
<Barcode[WoT]> coated in gasoline*
<RocketDude> Gasbestos
<RocketDude> It's useless
<Barcode[WoT]>  Bestbestos.
<Interrobangven> Asworstos


Rated 53 by 8 users
<Generality> Do I want to know what meatspace is?
<RocketDude> Term for real life.
<Puffin> enter the meat dimension! /whoosh/
<SpruceZeus> must... resist... temptation to make dirty joke
<Noimporta> The meat dimension is actually where the characters from fiction who have regeneration abilities get the extra mass from.
<RocketDude> Huh, that makes sense. It's like Hammerspace, but for COD characters.


Rated 51 by 4 users
<ColorPrinter> Here's a hint: I and E
<ColorPrinter> and nternet and xplorer
<RocketDude> Enternet Ixplorer
<RocketDude> Do I win anything


Rated 51 by 4 users
<RocketDude> Oh, so this is like that thing where the guy takes super-steroids and becomes super-powerful, and the way to stop him involves lots of death, and I reckon the edible fuckpillow factors in somewhere, most likely after the robot uprising. Gotcha.


Rated 51 by 4 users
<RocketDude> Okay, fine, I'll give you that, but it still had to do with impractically large dicks, so my point stands


Rated 51 by 4 users
<Barcode> in the directino of matt
<RocketDude> Directino, the last Bloodname of the unpopular Clan Mafioso


Rated 51 by 4 users
<Miijhal> "One noticeable use of her shapeshifting ability is her hair, which turns into hands that hold up her breasts and cover her nipples. Her primary offense is squirting acid from her breasts, as well as wielding a sword created from her hair."
<Miijhal> This is the weirdest fucking wikipedia page
<HederaHelix> Please tell me you're reading the one on the history of the far future.
<Miijhal> no.
<Miijhal> though that would probably be a better read
<RocketDude> In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only strange fanservice.


Rated 51 by 4 users
<Nitya> «Cannon looks and moves a bit like Shaggy from Scooby Doo» I like the writer
<RocketDude> "Hey, Scoob, I put magnets in my fingers!" "Ragnets rin rhe ringers? Rooo!"


Rated 51 by 4 users
<RocketDude> Clearly, you've never had any experience with demons that evoke Gene Simmons


Rated 49 by 7 users
<RocketDude>  This guy's *points to self* is a knucklehead!
<RocketDude>  *guy's a knucklehead