<JBridge> Anyone want to join me for Tribes? <Barcodrawing> hnghrhhg * Barcodrawing shakes <Rig> Barcode is drawing you dicks. <Rig> Wait, fuck.
<JBridge> Anyone want to join me for Tribes? <Barcodrawing> hnghrhhg * Barcodrawing shakes <Rig> Barcode is drawing you dicks. <Rig> Wait, fuck.
<Kanade> they do say birds of the same feather fuck together <Kanade> *flock <Kanade> I MEANT TO SAY FLOCK <Kanade> I TOTALLY MEANT TO SAY FLOCK <Kanade> SERIOUSLY <Kanade> oh god damn it
<GMH> @g down for everyone or just me tv tropes <Omnipresence> Google: Freud Was Right - Television Tropes & Idioms — http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FreudWasRight <GMH> fuck you <GMH> i mean screw you <GMH> i mean the hell with you <GMH> fucking freud. <GMH> i mean, that asshole, freud. <GMH> i mean, that jackass, freud.
<Fiora> How to confuse an assexual: ask her endlessly about sex. <Fiora> *asexual <Fiora> Gah, sticky keys -_- <IllFlower> "assexual" "sticky keys" brb, laughing <Puffin> I'm an assexual <Puffin> "ass" me anything <Fiora> ahhghsdjfslkjdlasd <Fiora> perverrrrts ._. <Solstace> "assexual" is getting added to the libelous list. <Fiora> IT IS JUST A TYPO >_>
<ponicalica> that's because you and 0+α haven't been here much :P <Ritsu> i have been here <Ritsu> i'm just busty <Ritsu> *busy <Ritsu> ... <Ritsu> WAT
<Nyktos> computer is being a cunt, I need to log off for a sex <Nyktos> *sec O_O
<Kirino> i still am not that versed in <Kirino> stripping
<Noimporta> OK, now that I know Bin Laden's death, there's no reason for me to stay alive... <Noimporta> Awake, I mean, awake. <Noimporta> So later.
<LORd> Does anyone know of a girl with a customizable soundtrack, actually? <Barcode> a girl? <LORd> ... <LORd> *game <LORd> fuck you ponicalica this is totally your fault <ponicalica> only Buttercup gets to fuck me, sorry
<Nitya> my dong is six feet deep.