Room 208

Quote database


Rated 50 by 13 users
<eX> I would be somewhat surprised if you knew any of my sexual history
<eX> and a little concerned
<Blackmoon> I am *intimately* familiar with eX's sexual history.
<eX> Blackmoon is watching me copulate?
<JBridge> Always.
<Blackmoon> Ceiling Blackmoon.
<Lin_Chong> He watches everyone copulate.
<Lin_Chong> He has sexual-omniscience.


Rated 49 by 18 users
<krrackknut>  Let us speak of lady's bosoms.
<GuitarBizarre>  I posit that ladies bosoms are rad.
* Dracia deathglares at krrackknut
<krrackknut>  And I concur.
<GuitarBizarre>  This calls for celebration! Bartender, a round of drinks and fancy costumes!
<Dracia>  *You all hear her knuckles cracking*
<GuitarBizarre>  DEFEATED!
<Dracia> plays FF victory fanfare
* GuitarBizarre dressed as a victorian gentleman, cheers krrackknut 
* krrackknut adjusts his monocle


Rated 49 by 10 users
<zeroplusalpha> Did I not say this before? Somewhere in there is a demented teenager that refuses to go quietly into the night.
<Lin_Chong> I think I might have one.
<Lin_Chong> In my colon.
<Lin_Chong> Damned thing just won't digest.
<zeroplusalpha> In my colon. <-- That's gross. >_<
<Lin_Chong> I know!
<Lin_Chong> He just won't stop singing songs about spleens!
<Lin_Chong> I think he's got a rhyming dictionary in there!
<IllFlower> Lin_Chong: "this right here is the spleen / I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be green / what have you been eating, my master? / you know it'll just make you die faster"


Rated 47 by 12 users
<Lin_Chong> What is best in life?
<Rig> Fat blunts.


Rated 44 by 6 users
<IllFlower> would it be laughable to attempt to play a modern racing game using nothing but a keyboard, because I am sorely tempted to.
<zeroplusalpha> That's ok, I play visual novels with a wheel.
<blackberryPanther> Imagine Zero twirling the steering wheel furiously to choose the right option.
<blackberryPanther> And for the sex minigames, he's furiously pounding on the pedals. 
<IllFlower> that gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "driving the plot forward".
<zeroplusalpha> As it does to "driving stick", presumably.