<Alkthash> Oh god, there is nothing that is not terrifying about duck reproduction
<Alkthash> Oh god, there is nothing that is not terrifying about duck reproduction
<ponicalica> I'm an expert at Charlatan's pants
<Lin_Chong> That guy has hornet butts on his arms <Lin_Chong> He can literally sting like a bee <Lin_Chong> That's hype
<Miijhal> Even a master martial artist like Jackie Chan can't always pull out fast enough
<Cultist> I'm glad my inability to explain myself led to pictures of cat castration
<Haruspex> see, you haven't gotten to demon politics! they have all kinds of clans, some of which look like wolfmonsters or whatever and some of which look like giant tits.
<zeroplusalpha> It's really much better than it sounds. It's difficult to describe how intensely sympathetic a supernatural megalomaniac transvestite with gamebreaking martial arts sorcery makes you feel towards her by the end, you'll just have to take my word for it.
<Myrdradek> I just helped a pregnant alleyway give birth <Myrdradek> Planescape Torment is a good game
<Tibetanfox> Charlatan: Exactly. Games should not make you jump through too many hoops to let you turn into a bear.
<Lin_Chong> I should probably watch that TV show where that guy fucks that pig