Room 208

Quote database


Rated 49 by 18 users
<Tibetanfox> I am tempted to call this problem "Odd number installment syndrome"
<Tibetanfox> See, each odd numbered installment is throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.
<Tibetanfox> Even numbers have the luxury of fleshing out what sticks.


Rated 49 by 7 users
<Alkthash> I am not moe!
<Alkthash> I have facial hair!
<Alkthash> That right there keeps me from being moe ever
<Tibetanfox> HIS BEARD IS MOE!


Rated 49 by 7 users
<Tibetanfox> My taxes pay for anime. On the Internet, I feel better about paying taxes now.


Rated 45 by 9 users
<holomorph> Tibetanfox: We were just talking about GMH trolling a political rally by asking about Nanoha.
<Nao> you just missed the best conversation ever
<Tibetanfox> Yeah I think I did.


Rated 22 by 8 users
<Tibetanfox> I mean, I know what gay porn is, but I don't know fuck about this new Pokemon.