Room 208

Quote database


Rated 31 by 10 users
<Alkthash> Corvidium - do you really want to drink a milkshake that has been soaking in technicolor horse ass?


Rated 30 by 4 users
<CentralAve> Question: how do we know it's not the early word that gets the berm?


Rated 28 by 11 users
<Solstace> But I'm waiting to do that until I have the body at a satisfactory point.


Rated 22 by 8 users
<Tibetanfox> I mean, I know what gay porn is, but I don't know fuck about this new Pokemon.


Rated 21 by 1 user
<Alkthash> Not the waffle cone shape, the pictures of women looking at you while you pee.


Rated 21 by 1 user
<Xeniera> but no, like, since moving here my metamorphosis into a reptile has completed
* Xeniera is a reptile cat


Rated 21 by 1 user
<Nitya> If I don't successfully pick up 420 girls, I am going to die in a lot of different ways.


Rated 21 by 1 user
<Nitya> "You need a passport to buy bread." "Here you go." "This passport is not valid because you are naked in the passport photo. HA HAAAA HA HAHAHA" man i hate that dream


Rated 21 by 1 user
<Nitya> i know! like jesus, it's silent hill, if you told me it was about circumcision in a normal way i might beleive you


Rated 19 by 6 users
<Nitya> i don't care about OXYGEN, i need BOOBIES, nothing more