Room 208

Quote database


Rated 44 by 6 users
<Bjork> LisaMilton is Aon, right?
* LisaMilton is now known as LisaIsWriting
<LisaIsWriting> Quite possibly
<LisaIsWriting> I could be Saturn for all you know
<Bjork> LisaIsWriting: But Saturn's here...
* Saturn|Digging quit (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
<Bjork> ...


Rated 44 by 6 users
<Beorc> Clearly you were male in all of your past lives and are now suffering extreme gender confusion, ShoujiAn.
<ShoujiAn> I wouldn't say it's extreme really.
<NorthNo2> It's only a mild ghost penis


Rated 43 by 11 users
<gloomyApoplectic> NOOOOO
<gloomyApoplectic> MY LIFE IS INCOMPLETE


Rated 38 by 5 users
<GMH> and i think i already mentioned that i prefer the rpge translation over the gba translation
<Aondeug> She cut up some straight woman that she thought was trying to date her ex
<Caphi> I think Square did a translation for Final Fantasy Anthologies
<Aondeug> With a chainsaw
<GMH> and i already mentioned that--
<Kinkajou> The PS1 version was horrible
<Schitzo> Duuuude
<GMH> <Caphi> I think Square did a translation for Final Fantasy Anthologies
<GMH> <Aondeug> With a chainsaw
<GMH> perfect timing.


Rated 38 by 5 users
<ShoujiAn> What do I get as a representative of the Tzetzen empire?
<JackMackerel> A jackknife.
<Johann> ShoujiAn: sex
<Charlatan> ShoujiAn: A free anthology edition of the Illuminatus Trilogy.
<ShoujiAn> Hmm. All this sounds good...
* JackMackerel gives ShoujiAn a nasty looking knife
<Johann> well, i refuse to give you sex
<ShoujiAn> If I stab someone with it will they get a nasty disease?
<ShoujiAn> Ok
<Haruspex> You also get an anus dentata for dealing with Jackerel. Use it wisely.
<ShoujiAn> Cool!
<Charlatan> ...Anus dentata. Fascinating.
<JackMackerel> Strapons.
<JackMackerel> It STILL hurts :<
<Haruspex> I don't think that "anus" is actually Latin (?), but Tzetzeans speak Byzantine Greek anyway.