Room 208

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Rated 74 by 18 users
<ChancellorCosman> Ah! Serial Experiments Legend of Galactic Lucky Haruhi Azumanga Strawberry Rozen Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Imperial Fiora Pichi Pichi PitchmonHOLIC River Chronicles: Keikaku no Nekohime Gundam Complex Bebop Gurren Lagann Sailor BrotherhoodZ Nichijou R2.22 You Can (Not) Advance!!
<Alkthash> I see words. And I understand what they mean. But I have no idea what you folks are saying.
<ALI-18000> We're making the best anime ever, Alkthash.
<Alkthash> You're making people find incentives to find murderin' axes. 
<Alkthash> Have I fallen into an alternate universe where slang is just subtly off?
<Alkthash> LIke anybody else get that feeling of anti-deja vu?
<Alkthash> Where you wake up and everything feels subtly wrong and out of place during the day.
<Alkthash> And you keep thinking "was it always like that"
<Alkthash> And get the feeling you have stumbled into one of those shitty sci-fi alternate universes, where things are different?
<Alkthash> Like that is my feeling here folk.s
<Alkthash> You're making me wonder if I'm still on my earth.
<Alkthash> Nice normal earth 387
<Alkthash> Not that shithole that is earth 616.