Room 208

Quote database


Rated 72 by 16 users
* IllFlower hugs Mio-chan before throwing her out of the nearest window at high initial velocity: "fly, moe, fly!"
* Mio-chan squeals.


Rated 65 by 7 users
<JBridge> Oh, this is gonna sting.
<feepbot> JBridge: Barcode left a note 22 hours, 2 minutes ago: «And it is QUICK. It is a fucking slaughter. Last night I set up for a quick game, won, and put the game away again in HALF A FUCKING HOUR. Think about that. A whole battle played in the time it takes to watch an episode of The Golden Girls.»
<feepbot> JBridge: JBridge|elsewhere left a note 14 hours, 48 minutes ago: Upload some silly subs to Omnibooru.
<feepbot> JBridge: JBridge|elsewhere left a note 14 hours, 5 minutes ago: New episode of Fate/Zero out! Download it!
<feepbot> JBridge: IllFlower left a note 14 hours, 5 minutes ago: Find some way to remember things that doesn't involve leaving notes for yourself on IRC!
<feepbot> JBridge: JBridge|elsewhere left a note 14 hours, 4 minutes ago: Never!
<feepbot> JBridge: Cosman246 left a note 14 hours, 4 minutes ago: Eat a live frog in the morning
<feepbot> JBridge: LORd[FateZero] left a note 14 hours, 3 minutes ago: Oh, and look up that  thing you were going to look up.
<feepbot> JBridge: Nitya left a note 14 hours, 2 minutes ago: lolol notes, etc.
<feepbot> JBridge: LORd[FateZero] left a note 13 hours, 59 minutes ago: John G killed your wife. Hunt him down and kill him.
<feepbot> JBridge: IllFlower left a note 13 hours, 57 minutes ago: Actually, you don't have a wife. Nitya planted a false memory in your head! Hunt *him* down and kill him.
<feepbot> JBridge: LORd[FateZero] left a note 13 hours, 56 minutes ago: Don't listen to IllFlower's lies!
<feepbot> JBridge: JackMackerel left a note 13 hours, 55 minutes ago: SUFFER LIKE TSUKASA DID. GO SOLSTACE
<feepbot> JBridge: Cosman246 left a note 13 hours, 55 minutes ago: Join
<feepbot> JBridge: Solstace left a note 13 hours, 54 minutes ago: Sooo, about that vidja card.....
<feepbot> JBridge: IllFlower left a note 13 hours, 53 minutes ago: LORd used the video card to kill Nitya!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!


Rated 62 by 11 users
<HamSandwich> .seen bot abuse
<feepbot> HamSandwich: I have not seen bot abuse in this channel!


Rated 40 by 10 users
<Queelez> {{How to abuse TropeBot}}
<TropeBot> Trope HowToAbuseTropebot doesn't exist. Closest match: Troper IRC Channel